Sunday, 24 July 2011

99p Coin

In the 1950's people must have had a keen eye for a bargain, with WWII just finished you would have to. This is when shops must have had the ingenious idea of putting all their prices to £XX.99. Nowadays times have changed and we now know that you are only getting 1p off the original price, which really isn't that great a deal. Also back in the 1950's there must have been a lot more value attached to a 1p coin, whereas inflation has made the 1p coin barely even worth keeping hold of. I would actually rather throw it down the drain than keep it. So why do companies persist to take the 1p off, just round it up and everyone would be much happier. Either take it off or invent a 99p coin.

If anyone else has any great, medium or crap ideas then send them to and Ill whack them up.


  1. What's the point in having a £1 coin and a 99p coin when they're exactly the same? Not exactly a genius idea

  2. I think the point is explained above stupid


That's a cool idea but my idea is better: