Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Plunger Stabilizer

If you get on a train that is packed full of people and the goddam selfish bastards in the isles won't move down because they've got prime reading positions (we've all been there and it feels great),and you're squashed in like sardines, then it's not so bad, because even if you are stranded in the middle of no mans land with nothing to grasp onto when the train jerks to a sudden stop, you're so squished in that you don't even move. You just have to put up with being stuck under some tall guys armpit who has been out the night before and is profusely dripping beer flavored sweat over your face. A real problem arises when there is that little gap in between people, that's when it gets real iffy. One sudden stop and you're face planting the floor. What if you could bring your own handle and stick it to any surface so you can save your face in any situation. Just plunge on to the ceiling and save yourself from severe, street cred diminishing, embarrassment.

If anyone else has any great, medium or crap ideas then send them to and Ill whack them up.

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That's a cool idea but my idea is better: