Thursday, 30 September 2010

Augmented Free Stuff

If you haven't heard of Augmented reality yet then you must not work in the media. It is a new way of overlaying virtual reality on reality. In less bullshit terms: imagine having your camera on and because of GPS it knows where you are in the world and because of your compass it know which way you are facing, therefore it knows what you are looking at. So you are pointing your camera at the Tate Modern, and on your screen will appear information about what exhibition is on and you can scroll through some examples of the art and an overview of the artist, pretty neat right? (for a better explanation with video click here, and now there is some even cooler shit).

So if you take Freecycle (the Ebay of the poor mans world) and mix it up with a bit of iPhone APPage and some Augment Reality, hey presto, you can be ambling down the street, whip out your phone and see all the free stuff that people are just giving away. You never know, you could be playing Golden Eye and Mario Cart on your brand new N64 before the day is done.

If anyone else has any great, medium or crap ideas then send them to and Ill whack them up.

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That's a cool idea but my idea is better: