Friday, 19 November 2010

Most satisfying toilet cleaning experience ever

Cleaning the toilet has never been a very enjoyable experience unless you're in Trainspotting, but when you wake up from the heroine binge you'll realise that the experience was still not that enjoyable.

Volkswagen's new 'The Fun Theory' campaign has reignited the fun factor in normally mundane chores, and it got me thinking about how to make toilet cleaning more fun than it already is. I was being forced to watch X-factor at the time but secretly enjoying it, and thinking about what a twat Simon Cowell is when I noticed how much his hair-do would be perfectly suited for cleaning toilets. The sticky out bristly bits would be perfect to get the splats off the back and it certainly would instill a bit of fun in my toilet cleaning antics.

If anyone else has any great, medium or crap ideas then send them to and Ill whack them up.


  1. I'd have a really clean toilet!

  2. No no no you need to get the toilet seriously dirty before using it... Really wipe face in it.


That's a cool idea but my idea is better: