Friday, 13 August 2010

Ironic Names For Venues

If we turn our attention to the traditional wooden beamed pubs of England, now full of semi pissed skin heads, then we can find some interesting names for a venue that only sells one commodity... alcohol, and the occasional packet of nuts. The Queens Head (inspired by Henry VIII), The Queens Bed and Good Queen Beast to name a few of the Queen related ones (more pub names), and we did come up with our own below.

It makes me question why other establishments haven't latched on to ironic names. Personally I'm more inclined to go to a Turkish Kebab shop called "we're not Turkish" or "Big meat on a Massive stick", instead of just the standard Turkish or Istanbul.

Here is our first attempt at an ironic name. If anyone has anymore let me know and i'll add it to the list, which is currently not a list and only consists of one.

If anyone else has any great, medium or crap ideas then send them to and Ill whack them up.

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That's a cool idea but my idea is better: